Juice Up Your Game

Jan Willem Nijman – Vlambeer – “The art of screenshake”

“Just fill your game with love and tiny details.”

Jan Willem Nijman

The 30 little Tricks from Jan Willem Nijman to Juice up your Game

I collected all the 30 tricks on the youtube video from Jan Willem Nijman in this article. Basically the trick name and a little tiny explanation. It’s actually just for my own convenience. But hey if it’s helpful for you, you are welcome.

1. Basic Animations & Sounds

Makes walking, jumping, picking up things, and shooting more fun. It doesn’t really matter if it’s high quality or simple. It makes it alive.

2. Lower Enemy HP

It’s more fun. It’s super frustrating if you need to shoot ten times on an enemy before he dies, makes your weapon feel feeble and boring.

3. Higher Rate of Fire

It’s a video game about shooting so put more bullets in there. You hardly can overdo it. Really. Just add more bullets. Give your weapon a higher fire rate.

4. More Enemies

Because of juice number 2 you need more enemies to shoot. It’s satisfying if they pop like popcorn.

5. Bigger Bullets

Don’t use realistically sized bullets as it looks so silly, make them big. The player wants to see those badass killer bullets. The weapon feels much more powerful.

6. Muzzle Flash

Just make the first bullet frame a circle. Very simple, very effective.

7. Faster Bullets

Slow bullets are lame, make it faster.

8. Less Accuracy

If your gun is not too accurate it looks more realistic and is more fun.

9. Impact Effects

Let the player know he hit something, don’t just remove the bullets. Like fragments falling off the wall if a bullet hits it or blood strains if a character gets hit by a bullet.

10. Hit Animation

Let the player know that he damaged the enemies. The simplest trick is to make the enemy flat white for a fraction of a second.

11. Enemy Knockback

But knockback force if you hit enemies. Your weapon feels so much more powerful and makes it more realistic from a physical point of view.

12. Permanence

Don’t remove dead bodies, it helps you remember if you come back in a room with a huge pile of dead bodies in it.

13. Camera Lerp

Smoother cameras make the character feel more in motion.

14. Camera Position

Your camera focus on important things in your video game. This is one of the hardest part and takes a lot of trials and testing.

15. Screen Shake

This is an important rule add screen shake on explosions it looks so much more powerful than without.

16. Player recoil

Shooting feels much more powerful with recoil on the player and you can use it to avoid that player do not shoot all the time as it has a drawback.

17. Sleep

If you set a deadly hit sleep for about 20 ms, you can hardly see that but it puts more meaning in that action.

18. Gun Delay

Make the character and its props look like they have weight/momentum when moving.

19. Gun Kick

Add recoil to things that would have it.

20. Strafing

If you shoot and change the direction the shooting will be still in the same direction until you stop shooting to turn around the gun.

21. More Permanence

Put ejecting shells in your game and make them permanent. It also helps to remember that you were in that room and that you did shoot a lot.

22. More Bass

Add bass to your shooting and explosions they get much more meaning and power.

23. Super Machinegun

Try ridiculous variations on how shooting performs, maybe three bullets a time, go crazy.

24. Random Explosions

That is a funny one but it puts more action in your game if you put some random explosions to your game when you shoot enemies, don’t overdo it.

25. More Enemies

You tuned up your gameplay so that you got the feeling you do have not enough to shoot at.

26. Even Higher Rate of Fire

Because it is more fun to shoot

27. Even Higher Rate of Camera Kick

Make your camera kick in the direction of the action/shooting.

28. Bigger Explosions

Seriously, who doesn’t like explosions?

29. Even More Permanence

Put some dust after your gigantic explosions and let it fade slowly.

30. Meaning

Let your player win or loos. It’s an obvious one.

Lens #18: The Lens of Passion

The lens #17, the lens of passion from The Art of Game Design: A Book of Lenses written by Jesse Schell. If you buy books through the links in this article I will get a small commission for that and no extra cost for you. The book is great and I think a must-have for every game designer.

This lens is about my passion for my game. I should ask this from time to time myself, like how do I feel about my game with the following three questions:

  • Am I filled with blinding passion about how great this game will be?
  • If I’ve lost my passion, how can I find it again?
  • If the passion isn’t coming back, shouldn’t I be doing something else?

I’m not always blinding passionate about my game, I especially have this reality check when I try to design a new level. It’s quite a lot of work to make a level great and joyful and sometimes reality kicks in and I’m like nah nope no not cool. But then I fiddle with it and try different styles and make it more narrow and more intense and I feel this joy and passion and I’m like yes it’s good it’s great.

So I do this reality check almost automatically and see if I still like what I do and still like what I see and play. COVID-19 didn’t help too much for the play testing something I would like to do on game conventions. Just to see if others would also like this little hero and his adventure.

If I lose the passion I usually find it again. Sometimes I just need a break or I need to look at it from a different angle or just make some fun prototypes and see if it would fit which is most of the time not the case. I also work every single day except Sunday on the game. It doesn’t matter if I just write down some ideas, make some sketches, brush up a level, improve a little bit the game-mechanic, or even remove something from the game. This everyday habit helps me a lot to keep the drive and the passion for my own game. And it is quite amazing to see how it develops when I compare it to the early stages and now.

The last question of what to do when I can not find my passion for my game. Well, I probably would then just finish it somehow but would not put too much work into it.

I get a small commissions for purchases made through the following links, I only have books in this section which I bought myself and which I love. No bullshit.

Lens #17: The Lens of the Toy

The lens #17, the lens of the toy from The Art of Game Design: A Book of Lenses written by Jesse Schell. If you buy books through the links in this article I will get a small commission for that.

This lens is about my little character which can pick up weapons, ammo, and other stuff, which can walk, jump and shoot.

I have to answer the following questions

  • If the game had not goal, would it be fun at all? If not, how can I change that?
  • When people see my game, do they want to start interacting with it, even before they know what to do? If not, how can I change that?

It’s fun for me to walk around and shoot enemies. It is simple enough to “get it” and interact with it. Due to the COVID-19, there are no gameshows where I could test if people would like to interact with my game. But the bar should be pretty low to give it a try. But the game world is not interactive enough to just enjoy walking around and explore the levels without any goal.

The game world needs more things we can interact with. Like flying paper in an office space or dust and little debris when walking around. Also shooting should have more impact on the game world.

The outcome of this chapter will lead to a couple more topics for Lens #16: The Lens of Risk Mitigation as I have to try them out quickly which means more prototyping. Prototyping is a fun thing to do actually and with ESC (see also my articles about ESC) it is a piece of cake.

A selection of ideas

  • Destructible stuff
  • Attacking dash
  • Water which includes swimming and diving
  • Whirling paper when rushing through an office space
  • Whirling dust and debris along the way when we shoot
  • A sleeping animation if just standing around

I get a small commissions for purchases made through the following links, I only have books in this section which I bought myself and which I love. No bullshit.

Risk Mitigation: Add more Details to Death Animation

This is the follow-up article about lens #16, the lens of risk mitigation from The Art of Game Design: A Book of Lenses written by Jesse Schell. If you buy books through the links in this article I will get a small commission for that.

I tried quickly if more details for death animation would give the game more depth.

And it does. Need some more fine-tuning and random but the idea is there and looks good and funny. But I need to add some random explosion if I kill a mass of soldiers. The blood fragments have to be more random in the depth axis so the helmet is not all behind the blood fragments. But this is fine-tuning for a prototype this is enough.

I get a small commissions for purchases made through the following links, I only have books in this section which I bought myself and which I love. No bullshit.

Risk Mitigation: Test Primary and Secondary Weapon Switch

This is the follow-up article about lens #16, the lens of risk mitigation from The Art of Game Design: A Book of Lenses written by Jesse Schell. If you buy books through the links in this article I will get a small commission for that.

The next idea I tried quickly to pitch was having a primary and a secondary weapon for more advanced levels. But I needed first the implementation, was only an hour to implement this and define the primary and secondary weapons, so cheap enough. I tested with an M4 and a semi-automatic handgun (Glock).

If I use a gamepad, I will have to separate the switch button from the shoot button, so that I can shoot and independently switch the weapon. Feels good. But at the moment the handgun doesn’t give any advantage over the rifle for melee attacks or in any other situation than running out of ammo with the rifle. This isn’t too exciting. I have to extend this test and see if it is a good idea to make a rifle not operatable in very close range so that the player just has to switch to a melee weapon which is the main purpose of a secondary weapon. I made as well the handgun ineffective for long-distance, the bullets lose their power over time.

One thing I observe is if my rifles are not working in melee it is not visible or clear it just does not shoot. I need some feedback. Could drop some curses from the player. This leads to another test besides just implementing the weapon switch between rifle and melee weapon. I will test this idea shortly and see if I like it. I tried ejecting some skulls and bones when he curses.

It gives now an indication that something bogs this little man when he tries to shoot at something too close. Looks cute in a way so I will go with that.
And last but not least a mini level where a weapon swtich makes sense.

I get a small commissions for purchases made through the following links, I only have books in this section which I bought myself and which I love. No bullshit.

Risk Mitigation: Test Bloodstain for Bullet Exit Wounds

This is the follow-up article about lens #16, the lens of risk mitigation from The Art of Game Design: A Book of Lenses written by Jesse Schell. If you buy books through the links in this article I will get a small commission for that.

In this blog article I tested bloodstain for exit wounds, this makes it much crueler and in a weird way, satisfying to shoot those dummies. I took the damage into account to generate the amount of bloodstain when an enemy gets hit. But this is not just limited to the enemies but also the hero.

Looks quite satisfying but might be that it becomes a bit too violent. I apply to every character, robot, and object its own hit animation, so even when I shoot at a computer I can make some fitting nice animation for getting hit. I think this looks more interesting than just color the object flat white for one frame when get hit by bullets.

The test leads to a better-organized code and easier to add new hit and destroy animations for certain objects and characters.

I get a small commissions for purchases made through the following links, I only have books in this section which I bought myself and which I love. No bullshit.

Risk Mitigation: Test More Random for Shell Ejection

This is the follow-up article about lens #16, the lens of risk mitigation from The Art of Game Design: A Book of Lenses written by Jesse Schell. If you buy books through the links in this article I will get a small commission for that.

I will play with the random factor for shell ejection, they currently look a bit like a waterfall as I only have random for the vertical component of the ejection force. So I tried to add as well random for the horizontal force. I will have to do this comparison for all my weapons that I want to use in the game.

For me, B looks a bit more vivid and a bit more out of control, actually exactly what I want to achieve. Anyway, I made a tweet but this time no feedback. I guess it doesn’t make a big difference. I go with a tiny bit more random and that’s it, looks more vivid.

I get a small commissions for purchases made through the following links, I only have books in this section which I bought myself and which I love. No bullshit.

Risk Mitigation: Test Bigger Muzzles

This is the follow-up article about lens #16, the lens of risk mitigation from The Art of Game Design: A Book of Lenses written by Jesse Schell. If you buy books through the links in this article I will get a small commission for that.

I will try different sizes of muzzles and add a bit more random to it to see if that could make a difference. As well as experiment with different sizes for every gun. As well add some random to make it more vivid.

For fast prototyping, I need a simple way to switch between the weapons. There are a couple of ways. I can make a pickup command and exchange the gun with the previous gun and just put all guns in a row. Or add them programmatically and make a switch weapon button for this test.

I made a four-panel gif image with https://www.kapwing.com labeled with A: Constant muzzle with a flashlight, B: Random muzzle with a flashlight, C: Constant muzzle no light, and D: Random muzzle no light.

And made a tweet to get some feedback which is the best variant.

I also asked friends and family members. The outcome is that a bit more of the votes like B the best as it looks more vivid. The second large group preferred A because the muzzle leaks through the floor if I use a random muzzle size, which is simple to fix. Many said a tiny less random would be beneficial. There was one vote for C as the gradient muzzle would not fit the art style.

Furthermore, that way I could engage many more people on my tweet, much more than I expected.

So thanks a lot for helping me out to find the best muzzle style which is important for my game as it lives from the weapon, shell ejection, recoil, and muzzle. I will have at least 3 different sizes of muzzles, one for nine-millimeter weapons I have, one for the soldier rifles like M1 or M4, and one for the bigger guns. I will probably have to fine-tune this further.

I get a small commissions for purchases made through the following links, I only have books in this section which I bought myself and which I love. No bullshit.

Lens #16: The Lens of Risk Mitigation

The lens #16, the lens of risk mitigation from The Art of Game Design: A Book of Lenses written by Jesse Schell. If you buy books through the links int this article I will get a small commission for that.

First of all, this lens is about figuring out the worst-case scenarios, what could go wrong, or what could hold my game back from being great. This is to stop thinking positively about my game. Tim Ferriss also has this in his book The 4 Hour Workweek, to overcome the fear he suggest to write down the biggest nightmare you can imagine could happen if you, for example, quit your job and start an own business and from there mitigate those risks and find solutions. And it is also about testing your ideas with prototypes. There are similarities in these books. One is game design the other is about automating your company. About 80:20. Fascinating.

  • What could keep this game from being great?
  • How can I stop that from happening?

My levels might be boring to play. So I started a series of mini levels. My first mini levels are all about the double-barrel shotgun. I keep them minimalistic to test if the levels are fun or boring to play. they are super minimalistic and super quickly done. Perfect for prototyping. It’s already clear that this might be fun, as I can motivate people for speed runs. It’s fun because you can pick up the gun and ammo and while you jump up to the platform with enemies your gun is ready and loaded. This leads to a possible smooth speedrun through a level.

I don’t have enough surprises and interactive things. One of the problems is you can leave a room without killing anything in it. Not sure if I want that. To hinder that I could have doors that open after I killed all enemies. But is this fun? I will quickly implement a “reached goal system” to find out if this is the right way. The goal system can be triggered by enemies linked to it or a simple switch. The goal system simply opens the door to the next level.

The graphical appearance is probably my main problem. I will experiment with different styles of simple blocks. And make the battle engaging the player with massive effects. Keep an eye on small details like papers that whirl up in the air will you pass. Make the ejected shells more vivid by adding a bit more random.

So there are a couple of things I would like to test:

The levels have to be addictive and be playable in many different ways. This is not just the look but also the feel of it. The player needs a reward for every accomplished goal.

I get a small commissions for purchases made through the following links, I only have books in this section which I bought myself and which I love. No bullshit.

M163 Vulcan from Sketch to Model

I modeled my M163 Vulcan tank with blender 3D for my game. The plan is that a soldier can control that tank alone, which of curse in reality it needs more people at least a gunner and a driver. And because one soldier can control this tank the player can take out that soldier and take over the tank. The next step is to bring the tank into my game and do some shooting prototyping to see if it looks cool. The real old M163 Vulcan does eject the shells visibly which fits in my concept so well.